Friday, December 13, 2013

Cigar City Dry-Hopped on the High Seas Caribbean Style IPA

Its been a while since I posted.  My blog partner got me this beer from Cigar City Brewery in Tampa, Florida.  I've never had anything from them before.  They don't really distribute up here in Boston.  This beer was in a can and poured into a Sam Adams Perfect Pint glass.  The beer pours a hazy light amber color.  Great light hop aroma.  Very easy to drink IPA.  Not overly hoppy.  It definitely would be a great summer beer.  Works even on a -6 C day in December like today.  Paired nicely with the fish curry I had with it.  I definitely recommend it. 

Brooklyn Brewery Ted's Dark

Perhaps exclusive to Ted's Bulletin in Eastern Market in Washington, DC.  It is brewed by Brooklyn Brewery and I think it is one of only two beers they have on tap, the other is Ted's Light. I drank the dark.

It is a dark brown, poured in a cold mug. It is pretty good, definitely satisfying on a Friday where you have left work early.  Caramely and kind of sweet almost.  Had it with a Cobb salad.  B+

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Alemañy Coquito

Basically Latino eggnog.  Creamy with strong hints of coconut and cinnamon.  This is mostly a season drink for Christmas and New Years but is sold all year in Puerto Rico. Also similar to rompope in other parts of Latin America.  It is very sweet.  We bought this in the duty free at the airport in San Juan this July on a trip to visit family, we then put it in the liqour cabinet until today's snow day.

I didn't consider it until now, but maybe it had gone bad or needed refrigeration even thought it hadn't been opened.  Well, we are drinking it anyways. We did have to use a strainer to keep out some creamy chunks, they may be the result of sitting around for months but we really don't know.  I guess there is a certain risk in the uncertainty of not knowing if it has gone bad, but there is no expiration date on the bottle.

Before opening we put it in the refrigerator a few hours and are enjoying it over ice.  I'm having a homemade peppermint whoopie pie with it. My companion is having it on ice in a martini glass with Trader Joe's Sugar, Chocolate,  & Coffee Bean Grinder dust on the rim.  She says it's "great!"

Made by Alemany. The ingredients list coconut, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, brandy, and "finest rum of Puerto Rico."  Thinner than traditional eggnog, maybe even thinner than Baileys.  8.2%, A+

He'Brew St. Lenny's Belgian Style Double Rye India Pale Ale

A tasty IPA, enjoyed on a snow day from work with some delicious buffalo chicken and mushroom pizza.  I had seen this brewery's beers before but had always thought of them as a gimmick because of the name.  But it was good!  The label says it is a collaboration with Cathedral Square Brewery in St. Louis and I guess He'Brew is owned by Shmaltz Brewing.  

It's kosher too!  I guess named after Lenny Bruce maybe.  Bitter but aromatic in the way that Belgian beers are.  Great smell hits your nose when you go to drink.  Rich and bitter with a piney taste. 10%, A -

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Starr Hill Boxcarr Pumpkin Porter

Enjoyable pumpkin porter, but nothing special. From Star Hill in Virginia. I didn't give this one a letter grade.  

Legend Winter White

Pleasantly spiced but not the fruity experience my companion expected from a Belgian style white ale.  Light carbonation, a fun seasonal beer from Legend Brewing Company in Richmond, Virginia.  Definitely not a heavy beer. Maybe implied by the "white."  Enjoyed at Nordstrom Cafe before some holiday shopping.

No letter grade was given.